Thursday, June 30, 2022

What If He was Meant to Win the Elections?

In a few hours, we would have our new president of the Republic of the Philippines. I know for certain that this does not sit well to millions of Filipinos who did not vote for Bong Bong Marcos and are scared that possibility of another dictatorship, further economic downfall and the trauma the victims of the Martial Law would once again resurface.

Some people might have scratched their head and said that why would the Filipino people allow such thing to happen to them. The advocates of Anti-Martial Law would have been thinking that isn't teaching and making the eyes of the younger generation or even the ones who are alive during the said era realize the harsh reality the Marcos Regime imposed on the nation. Are the people too brainwashed to the fact that they cannot see the reality that the Marcos Presidency Era killed and tortured millions of Filipinos? There are a lot of victims who already spoke against the said regime during their time yet they'll think why isn't it able to sink into the minds of the people. Why are people still unaware of the fact that they voted a monster who would do the same evil things as what his father had done to the nation?

However, 31 million votes for Bong Bong Marcos was too much. Even if all the voters who did not vote for him voted for Leni Robredo, it wasn't enough to dethrone him on getting the highest vote. Are the 31 million voters seeing something that we don't?

I then realized something days going towards election, what if he was supposed to win? Some might think, of course he would win because he gave grease money to the class C, D and E voters or they manipulated the election. I don't know if the claims are true or not but it is what it is - the results showed that he won.

Now back to the headline of my blog, why did I ask that "What if He Was Meant to Win?". As a trying to be more devout Catholic, I usually read the Bible Diaries 2022 (given to my dad, but my dad gave it to me) where the contents consisted of the 1st reading, Gospel and a short reflection. If I was busy or wanted to multi-task (although it's not proper as we have to focus solely in spending time with God), I just listen to Catholic Daily Reflections by John Paul Thomas on Spotify where only the Gospel mixed with reflection and a short prayer was the content. It happened a few days before election that I happened to be more devoted enough to read the Bible Diaries and I came across parts of Acts Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 which tells the story how Saul was trying to destroy the church until his conversion to be a follower of Jesus and spread the good news of the Lord.

You might say why the heck would you incorporate Bible to a son of dictator who might do the same things his father have done to the nation? Well, we know that Saul was a known persecutor of Church and anybody who believes in Jesus would be jailed until...

On his journey, as he was nearing Damascus, a light from the sky suddenly flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? He said, “Who are you, sir?” The reply came, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do. The men who were traveling with him stood speechless, for they heard the voice but could see no one. Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing; so they led him by the hand and brought him to Damascus. For three days he was unable to see, and he neither ate nor drank. (Acts 9:3-9) [1]

And then we continue to Acts 9:10-19 where Ananias, a disciple in Damascus, was told by the Lord to look for Saul to place his hands upon him so Saul could restore his sight. When Ananias showed his doubt by informing the Lord of the things Saul had done to His saints, what did the Lord say? 

"Go! This man is my chosen instrument to bring my name to the pagan nations and their kings, and the people of Israel as well. I myself will show him how much he will have to suffer for my name." (Acts 9: 15-16) [1]

Upon reading this, it made me wonder, why would God choose Saul then? Like of all people why would he choose a persecutor of church? Then I came across an article explaining why the Lord has chosen Saul. In the article of Matthews (1987), [2] I will quote what he stated below: 

"A person was needed who could bear the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to the gentiles in non-Jewish lands, who could withstand the criticism of his own countrymen (even in the Church), and who had the knowledge and training to teach both Jews and gentiles of all social levels throughout the Roman empire what the gospel of Jesus Christ really is and what man’s responsibility is concerning it. There were many who could do some of these, but Paul could do them all magnificently well.

Paul was born of Jewish Pharisee parents in Tarsus, a gentile city. His parents sent him to Jerusalem as a youth to become a rabbi. He was well acquainted with Jewish and gentile customs and beliefs. His father was a citizen of the Roman empire; how he acquired this is not known, but Paul inherited this citizenship from his father, which was a great aid to preaching in Roman areas. (See Acts 16:37–39; Acts 22:25–30.)

Paul spoke and wrote in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, which gave him an indispensable cultural advantage living and teaching in the Mediterranean areas. He knew the Old Testament thoroughly, having learned it not only as a child at home and in the synagogue school at Tarsus, but also at the feet of Gamaliel in Jerusalem as a rabbinical trainee."

I know you'll say that Bong Bong Marcos was not even a college graduate. Why in the world would I compare Saul (then named Paul) to him? Simple, because although the non-college graduate may be true, some people still think that he is smart and has the capability to lead the country. After all it's been 36 years since the first Edsa Revolution, and people would ask how come there is still not progress if any family member of the Marcoses was not the President or Vice President during those 36 years?

Also this. Let's say you were alive during the times Saul persecute the church and you never heard that Saul could not see for days and heard that Ananias was able to restore his sight. It's just plain Saul spreading the good news of the Lord, would you believe him during the time that he already changed for good and he too is a believer of Jesus like you?

The reason I'm saying this because it is similar in the sense. If we go along with the narrative regarding what the Marcos regime did to the victims of Martial Law and Bong Bong Marcos, the son of the dictator who also won this year's elections would spread hope for our country to rise once again, would you also believe? I'm sure most of us would not. Perhaps some would even become hesitant like Ananias and other fellow believers.

So here is the thing, the only thing we could do now is to hope the impossible that Bong Bong Marcos would be true to himself that he would redeem the country without the need for the people to become haunted once again by what Martial Law, economic turmoil, unending gas price hike, etc. Perhaps, this is the time where we actually have to pray harder to God by entrusting Him that there is something good in store for us in this upcoming administration. Lastly, maybe we have to pray and hope differently. Because instead of hoping and praying that the incoming president be impeached or that we let our fears and anxiety get in our way, we probably should pray that he would do what is right for the country so that people would finally be given the justice and peace that they deserve.


Monday, May 9, 2022

I am at Peace (in relation to Philippines' 2022 Elections)

As the voting for the May 2022 election already closed, stakeholders involved in the election would start to count and confirm the ballots as we await for the results of who will our next president be.

Different emotions are felt at this moment, some are praying that the one they voted would make it to be the change that they desired to be after the perceived hardships they've experienced in the current administration. Others are afraid that the son of a former president would rise once again and the trauma that the people experienced during the Martial Law would once again surface.

Personally, I was in mixed emotions from the time that candidates starts declaring their intention to run. There is fear, confusion, uncertainty that pertains to various candidates. Add to the fact that I'm making my own conspiracy theories because of the feelings that I'm experiencing. It also doesn't help when majority of people think this is a two-horse race while there are 10 candidates who are running for the same position. Add to the fact that when you told someone that you wouldn't vote for Candidate A, they assume you're voting for Candidate B that they truly despise or vise versa (e.g. you don't like Candidate B, so they think you are for Candidate A). For some out-of-place candidates, they are there either to try to make a change in their little ways or to give some masses a chance to vote for somebody else who were not considered part of the so-called "two-horse race".

For my part, I didn't vote for any of the top two candidates in the survey. I'm glad we're not following the system of the United States where there's only two viable candidates to choose from, because I might end up choosing my own poison (for some it might looked stupid - but that's my personal reasons that people in general may not understand).

For the candidate that I voted, some people may have said "you're just wasting your vote on somebody who's not going to win anyway, might as well cast your vote on a candidate that has a high chance of winning." or there are controversies surrounding this said candidate. You can even throw the idea of the campaign manager of this candidate is the one who's causing headaches - especially to the business sector. Lastly, people would be wondering, why don't you vote for the model candidate where this candidate has a good track record, really did something to make the country a better place, the person who businessmen loves having as a president so the economy would keep growing like what the previous president did?

And I think I got my answer on the last week leading to today's election... It all came from one tweet of a verified source with the candidate saying this will be the last time this candidate will run for a government office. In my weak intuition, I already know who's going to win - and yes, it's not the candidate I voted. Wasting my vote? Maybe not voting for this candidate might even be a bigger regret for me because this is the same candidate I wanted to vote for 2004 elections then except I was a minor back then.

That's why no matter what the results of this election would be, I know that I'll be in peace. I'll be in peace knowing that despite of a slim chance this candidate might win, I know that I wouldn't regret this vote. I am at peace knowing that my decision was not swayed by outside forces - no matter how credible or factual they are. Yes, other voters who vouch for other candidates might have to find ways to change your mind through their own convincing powers. I am at peace knowing that I did not bash other people nor prohibit their freedom of speech in choosing their favorite candidate while I did not sway them away from their preferred candidate. I am at peace knowing that I allowed them to give their own reason on why I should not choose their preferred candidate without them being afraid of whatever I would give rebuttal against the said candidate or not. I may had looked like a people pleaser whoever a very vocal person might be vouching for, but in the heated moment of huge political differences, that's the only way to get through a conversation without losing your own stand of being affected by other people's ridiculousness or guilt tripping.

Again, based on how the current situation unfolds, my mind knows who is going to win - it was not the candidate I voted for, but I know I can sleep at peace like the same people who voted for the candidate that I know that's going to win. I'm not going to regret this - not at all.

Nota Bene: Blog has been posted from another blogsite that I also owned last May 9, 2022.