Monday, December 23, 2024

When the Tables are Turned

I remember 6 Christmases ago, I didn’t know what I wanted for Christmas as part of our company’s exchange gift. I felt disheartened the last time that same department hosted one. I mean I felt like whoever was my parent that year 2015 just put the items on a Robinson’s paper bag without at least putting a tape or wrap it or something. As a person who wants to wait for Christmas Eve before opening presents, I end up taking it out of the paper bag because what’s the point if the items were already exposed right?

So fast forward a bit to 2018, I knew that I wouldn’t be present at the party as I was going on a China Study tour. I know it sounds weird, but if there is an opportunity that would allow you to go there even at the age of 28 years old and at a cheaper rate (well my parents paid for the study tour), why not right?

I was like maybe I wanted to do something different. I believe in the saying that if it’s yours, it’s yours. With a surplus of my allowance for donation/tithes, what I did was to add additional money on top of the amount of exchange gift worth to someone where they will use those money to help someone they need to their liking. The catch? It has to be converted into goods and you give it to those in need. I mean if you just put the money into the bank account of any charitable institution, there’s no thrill, might as well I’ll be the one to do it right?

I really felt like it’s a good idea, but as much as you won’t like to spend much, the downside of this was it’s time consuming. Then you’ll have to factor in if they will be trustworthy enough. To cut the story short, the one who got it didn’t get pissed off or something. I think she had fun doing it. I mean she ends up giving food to street children. Mind you it’s not even leftovers alright.

So fast forward to yesterday, I joined FCCYA’s Christmas gift giving drive where we helped packed goods so we could give to the street children.

Well I’ve been doing that in the sense of getting some leftovers or about to be expired food and just drop it off to any people living in the streets whether they are asleep or awake. 😅

So here goes the actual gift giving where we are inside the car looking for street kids around Manila. At first it was tough looking for them, then because it’s Christmas season, a lot of people were also doing the same thing. So what our group did was we went to places where there are less crowds so we could properly give it to them without us being swarmed.

I mean as much as it’s only for kids, it’s disheartening that some adults were either lying or might be telling the truth that they have kids but weren't around or kids who claim that they have siblings but weren’t present.

In the end we were able to give all 120 packs of goodies to the children with me being swarmed by the kids in the last gift giving (as I was seated on the window side) 😅.

I don’t know if my parent in 2018 felt the same way I felt. Like although it’s tiring, you feel joy about giving to those who are in need.

I think that’s what I felt. Maybe it’s not bad if the opportunity allows you to do those things again right?

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