Sunday, January 17, 2016

St. John Baptist de La Salle's Life Lessons

"Real wealth is the ability to think and feel, not being possessed by possessions" 
- St. John Baptist De La Salle from the movie Who are My Own?

Learning the life of St. John Baptist De La Salle, who is also being called as the Patron Saint for Teachers, is refreshing to me. During my elementary years, we celebrate teacher's day every year to commemorate the work of the teachers and to recognize the works of Confucius, who is one of the best teachers in China. However, upon entering graduate school, this is how I learned and be amazed at what St. De La Salle was able to accomplish during his time on Earth.

De La Salle as a Innovator and Risk Taker
Despite coming from a rich family, St. De La Salle was able to see that there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor with the poor doing different means to save themselves from starvation such as stealing food or depending on others for donations. The cycle will keep on continuing if nobody dared to step-up and become the change the society needs. For De La Salle, he knew that the only way for these children to go out of poverty is for them to be given an equal treatment for the access of free education. However, the issue seemed to be difficult to overcome as during those times, only males have access to education and they are being tutored on a one-on-one basis. In the movie "Who are My Own?", there was a scene wherein De La Salle noticed that the teacher is only teaching one student at a time. He also saw that when the teacher is not teaching the other students, they are involved in gambling, playing or even being involved in practical learning such as making them work and using the end product to sell as a means of compensating the school expenses. This is where De La Salle took risk despite the odds being against him, he revamped the method of teaching such as instead of having a one-on-one learning, he provided an atmosphere for the children to learn together; thus, classroom setting has been introduced. Upon watching and reading a story of his life, I remembered during one of my Theology classes in college, my professor mentioned that since God's teachings are written for a few people to see, it would take a long time if everybody will read it one by one. Instead, the gospel and teachings of God is spread through word of mouth, similar to what St. John Baptist de La Salle did. He had the book, but he was able to use his words to spread the teachings to his students.

I truly admire his risk and sacrifice. He sacrificed his financial wealth, social prestige and even his Canonry, which most of the people from the higher social ladder would take pride of. Like the quote above, he did not think that wealth would equate to possessions. Instead he thought of it as a person's ability to think and feel. Sometimes we feel that security such as wealth accumulation is more important than everything else, especially when we are starting to feel the sting of having a poor economy or the feeling that the stock market is already in bear market.[1] I also admired his persistence in fulfilling God's mission, which is to provide a free education and to close the gap in terms of education between the rich and the poor. He knew that wealth is more than the financial possession we might accumulate in our lives, it is the internal fulfillment to give and help other people who is more in need than him.

De La Salle as a Leader

Not only he became an innovator, but he is also a leader. Perhaps if there is one kind of leadership that could be associate to him is that he is a leader who is able to transform and inspire people to do something that they thought was impossible to do. His fellow Christian brothers knew that they need his leadership skills to guide and inspire them to be a better teacher to their students. By the end of the movie, he had his vision of the ideal classroom he want to achieve, which with the help of his fellow Christian brothers, were translated into reality.

Personal Reflection in Relation to Leadership Role

One thing that is striking about De La Salle is that he has a vision. He does not say things that he wants to happen, but he made sure that he act upon it. He also was persistent in realizing his vision by being the leader among his fellow Christian Brothers.

Based on my experience as a former student leader in my school organization, I realized that vision is really important. I used to remember when I felt that I thought I should be the president of the organization for the succeeding school year since I was an Internal Vice President for that year as the incumbent president decides to run for a student council position. However, by learning that there is somebody in the organization who wants to become a president, I felt devastated, afraid that I might not have any position for me as the organization is dominated by students from mass communication department since it will be a vote based on popularity. Despite these dilemma I've been through, I would like to thank my counselor for enlightening and realizing that it is not yet time for me to become one. When she asked me, "What's my vision?", I was actually dumbfounded that I could not answer her properly. All I thought of that time was I want to become a president. I really didn't have actual plans or activities for my organization. She also told me that I cannot afford to again put my health at risk and made me realize that it would be better to focus on my thesis as it would be a crucial year for me as a LIA-COM student. Lastly, she told me that I've been in position for quite sometime, and the fact that I was re-elected showed signs that the organization has faith in me. Again, she mentioned that if the members knew that I am qualified for a position in the organization, they would still vote for me despite being a minority in the organization.

True to my counselor's words, I was elected as a treasurer that year. By handling a position which I felt I'm capable at, I was able to not pressure myself, regain my strength, pass the thesis for my first course, and still be able to have a shot to become a president of the organization for the succeeding school year - this time I had my visions set just like what De La Salle did. I realized here that there may be people who are natural leaders; however if one is being trained or exposed, he or she would be able to learn and adapt in order to become one.

My award as an Above
Average Performance as
President for the school year
By the time the school year was about to end, I was voted as the president of the said organization, this time with more experience and knowledge on how to run the organization, have an effective activities that is catered to the needs of different groups, guide the new officers and made sure that all members will feel that they belonged in the organization. I know that I wasn't able to fully translate all my vision for the organization, but I know deep inside that even if we are not recognized as one of the best organizations in the school, I am proud that I had a set of officers and members who had the same vision as mine and we were able to enjoy the school year.

I know that I was not recognized as one of the best presidents during the year, but being recognized as one of the top 10 presidents is already enough for me to realize that everything will happen in God's time, vision is really important as I was able to do things that I never would thought could happen; and lastly, I will always remember the people who helped me reach this goal - my co-officers, moderator, members and all other people who supported me though this journey.


[1]PH stocks head for bear market amid foreign selloff

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